How to Care for your Jewelry:
To prevent tarnish on silver, store your jewelry away from air and moisture. I recommend keeping silver in zip-loc bags. There are also little anti-tarnish strips you can purchase online from 3M.
How to Clean:
Shiny Silver: Use a polishing cloth, any commercial cleaner or toothpaste.
Matte Finish Silver: Make a paste of baking soda and dish soap and scrub vigorously with a tooth brush. This method is safe to use with stones.
Any dip-it type cleaner works well on matte finish silver as well. (I've had very good results Brilliant Silver Cleaner Black). Dip the piece in the solution and rinse throughly. This works particularly well especially if you have a very tarnished piece of jewelry. You can also paint the dip on the silver, avoiding stones if need be and rinse.
Copper or gold included in a silver piece may be cleaned by the same method used on the silver part. If the copper is oxidized it should be stable doesn't require care.